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Diana Fletcher
Writer. Activist. Life Coach. Speaker.


Diana Fletcher
Oct 8, 20205 min read
This is Me Trying to Write
With the shutdown of the country came the shutdown of my writing. I have published exactly two blog posts and one magazine article since...
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Diana Fletcher
Mar 5, 20202 min read
Hey #NotAllMen!
Hey #NotAllMen We never said it was all men. And if you heard that, it’s not the majority. But the majority wants you to shut up....
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Diana Fletcher
Jul 31, 20192 min read
Imagine this: The danger is not to women. Rapes don’t happen in society, but surprisingly, dicks get cut off quite often. At an alarming...
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Diana Fletcher
Jun 11, 20193 min read
Your Light, Your Spirit, Your Fire
Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds. - Rumi Deep inside of you is a light. You were born with this light. It is...
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Diana Fletcher
Oct 8, 20184 min read
3 1/2 Months of Freaking Out
July I am flinging myself into my house. Not around the house. INTO the house. I am decluttering with an energy that is focused and...
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Diana Fletcher
Oct 4, 20173 min read
Murder. Violence. Again. I Want to Feel HOPE
I have been feeling so sad about what happened in Las Vegas. As a sensitive person, it can be difficult to protect myself from feelings...
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Diana Fletcher
Nov 29, 20164 min read
Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. I Am So Tired of Rape.
I am tired of hearing about this violence over and over again. Rape. Rape. Rape Culture. Victims. Survivors. Â Vulnerable women, youths...
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